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Refund and Returns Policy

If you receive a faulty or damaged item, please notify us within 14 (fourteen) days: we will exchange or substitute it. To arrange a return, if the item you received is faulty or is not what you originally ordered, please email us at the contact page quoting your name and address, details of the product (style ref.), order number/ID, the reason why you would like to return the item. We will then advise you on how to proceed with the return. You have 14 (fourteen) days to return the merchandise. We will not process claims for goods received as faulty after this period of time. The item is your responsibility until it reaches us. We cannot be held responsible for returns that are lost in transit. If you are returning an item for a refund or an exchange, the total cost of returning the item to us is your responsibility, shipping fees and custom duties included. Your original postage costs will not be refunded unless the item you received was sent in error or is faulty (providing we are notified of faults within 7 days of receipt).

All products to be returned must be carefully repackaged in their original packing and be in an unworn condition. We will not refund goods that have been worn, do not have their original packaging or show obvious signs of abuse. Goods that are returned to us without their original packaging will be refunded less a deduction of 10%.

Please note that customized, engraved or bespoke pieces, One-of-a-Kind and items purchased during promotional sales or with a discount code greater than 10% are final sale and non-refundable.

In the event of any failure to return any goods to us within the stipulated time limits, even though validly cancelled, we shall have the right to charge any costs of recovery of the goods. A tracking number is required to monitor all dispatches. Thank you for notifying us of the upcoming delivery.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Customer Service via email to